AmigaActive (2063/2143)

From:Steve Clark
Date:31 May 2000 at 17:41:42
Subject:Re: Your Amiga

Hello Neil

>> Right, then just remember that when you try to make us buy this
>> magazine of yours ;OP
> You mean you don't all buy it already?

I snatch my copy from the postie's bike when he "visits" Mrs Smethy at
number 6

> You're not supposed to plug AmiBench, that's Mark's job.

I'm not supposed to plug Amigactive either. I'm sorry for this mistake, I
shall demand my friends return the magazine and cancel their subs.

(Or Wirenet.. Yo, John... Nooo! ;)

>> (Mark, put the brown paper bag with the cash under the same plank of
>> wood as before)
> I wonder what he paid Ben to put it in the AFB list footer...

What would the Air Force Buletin want with AmiBench?*


Steve Clark Five
* Long story involving a rather helpful British Airways pilot helping me
with my zip...

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